Future Funeral Planning

Have you ever been sitting somewhere with a friend and hearing a new piece of music or something that you haven’t heard for a long time and thought, “I would like this song at my funeral”? But do you tell the right people or more to the point, do they want to listen?
I remember when my mum started telling me about when she dies, what I need to know. I told her “I don’t want to talk about it” and she said to me “You need to, I have no-one else to tell”. I then realised her point of view and listened.
We plan before our children’s births (or try to), we plan engagement parties, our weddings and our special 21st, 40th, 50th birthday parties or our special anniversaries.
The taboo subject of our end of life, is very often an uncomfortable and sensitive subject to broach. Yet when it comes to funerals why do we leave that last jigsaw piece and our last say on earth, up to other people who are grieving and possibly not thinking clearly or to people who do not know us at all.
Some people may say “Well I don’t care, once I am dead, I am dead!.”
But to plan your own funeral and take that pressure off your loved ones when you die, could be your last little present to them, so that they do not have to think about it, while they are grieving.
This is where I come in. I will be your listening ear and write down how you would like to add the last piece of the jigsaw and make your last statement to the world. This can bring about whatever mood you wish it to. Sad, reminiscence or even funny or jovial. This will be your last say while on the earth plane.
What I Will Do
I will spend a couple of hours talking to you about the things you need to get in place for your funeral, including your wake – if you want one. This has nothing to do with your will, it is purely about your funeral day and what you would like done with your body or ashes.
I will then type it all up for you and you can then pass it on to the right person, so they have it ready when the time comes and then they can have time to grieve without having to think.
The Charge
I will charge whatever you can afford to pay and expenses……..Contact me for more information